Wednesday, April 17, 2013


day 42. konstantine. by something corporate.

if i really think about it, i've probably seen something corporate in concert more than any other band. especially if you count jack's mannequin as being the same band. which i do. this is one of my all time favorite songs. on the other hand i've heard people say that it's the worst song ever. so judge away.

honestly, if i were to hear this song today for the first time ever, i would probably think it was pretty lame. it's like quit WHINING. you seem like a self-destructive fool who probably destroyed a relationship with a girl who seems pretty & cool. and for what?

now there is a 10 minute song about you being a real dick. great.

but there is sentimental value to this song for me, and I love andrew mcmahon. I'm willing to forgive him with the fact that he wrote this song in his late teens or early twenties. and who really knows how to act then? i sure didn't. still don't.