day 2. party rock anthem. by lmfao.
no one should have to live through 7th grade twice. I rocked it the first time through. I honestly remember 7th grade as the best year of my life. I will often tell people that, along with year 25, year 13 was awesome as heck.
school was easy. boys were cute. brightly colored nail polish was in. hanson was cool. what was there to dislike about 7th grade?
I grew up looking fondly upon middle school as some great freaking years. sometimes I think I was my best self in middle school because I had zero hang ups. I knew what I wanted, did what I wanted, and never much worried about how I would look to other people.
Flash forward 13 years and I can never make up my mind, question every decision, and definitely hold on to some major insecurities. despite all of this, I somehow managed to be a respectable adult and hold down a career teaching kids how to read.
finding out I was going to teach 7th grade was actually exciting for me. back to the best years of my life, right? wrong.
it was AWFUL. ugh.. you guys. I felt like it was pay back for liking my own middle school experience as much as I did. so much drama. no one ripped on me when I was 13, but they definitely did when I was 26. I pretty much felt like a loser 24/7. & the worst part is that 95% of my students liked me, but the 5% that didn’t, really made it known that they didn’t. puberty. yikes.
and every single day, we started the announcements with the Party Rock Anthem. every. single. day. have you ever had the experience where you were out and about and someone’s phone rings, and their ringer is your AM alarm? you know that feeling you get?
that rocks in your gut feeling, is exactly how I feel every time I hear this song. I have flashbacks to homeroom, and honestly start to sweat. but then I remember that I weirdly dig this song, and start to do a little dance. because, why not? I survived 7th grade TWICE. that’s something to dance about, if nothing else.
oh, and did you know that lmfao is actually an uncle/nephew duo? I love that fact.
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