Tuesday, March 26, 2013

john wayne gacy, jr.

day 20. john wayne gacy, jr. by sufjan stevens

I’m choosing this song because it deals with three of my favorite things. Sufjan Stevens. Chicago history. & the minds of serial killers.

weird, but somehow it works.

this song, about a serial killer from Chicago named John Wayne Gacy, Jr., once started me on an hour-long trip into something I call the “pit of wikipedia.” I can google one thing, and the next thing I know an hour has passed and I’ve sunken into the downward spiral that is Wikipedia. I just keep clicking on the next thing and can never stop. & it’s normally weird things, and then I have nightmares and somehow I just never learn that it's not a great idea to do this right before bed.

the thing about me is, if someone looked at my google history, I think they would be shocked. I’m fascinated by history & human nature and how some people can just act so horrible. so I do a lot of reading about serial killers, sociopaths, crimes, etc. & this is why I know a lot of random and useless information and get scared walking anywhere at night.